Drinking tea has many health benefits. Here’s how a daily cup (or two!) can be good for you, along with healthy teas you should try.
No matter what the season, tea can be a tasty beverage since it can be served iced or hot.

But its benefits go far beyond refreshment. There is plenty of research showing that drinking tea can actually improve your health.

The green teas are the least processed and tend to have the highest amounts of polyphenols, and the only type that contain the polyphenol, catechin, which is why many studies have been done using only green teas. Certain herbal teas are known for their medicinal values, including soothing the digestive system.

Here are the top 10 health benefits of tea and some options for delicious teas to try:

  • Tea contains antioxidants.
  • Tea has less caffeine than coffee.
  • Tea may reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Tea may help with weight loss
  • Tea may help protect your bones
  • Tea can decrease tooth loss, so smile bright
  • Tea may boost the immune system
  • Herbal tea may soothe the digestive system